
The spirit of Busy Bees lies with the families we connect with, the children who thrive in our care and being an integral part of the community. All the staff are qualified to a high level, the are experience and confident practitioners who focus on the children in our care. We are child centred and our dedicated team focus on the individuality of each child. Learning is progressed and developed supported by our many varied resources, experiences and children’s interests.
Our Day
9.15 am- As the children arrive, they find their name card for self registration board and find something to play with.
They assemble on the carpeted area for registration time, this includes songs and rhymes to consolidate the days of the week, the weather and knowing about the seasons.
Each week we have a new letter sound and children are encouraged to bring items from home that begin with that letter and they show their peers. This is a great activity that boosts confidence. We follow the Read Write Inc. reading scheme and children learn the phonic sound and formation of the letter shape. This supports the introduction of letter sounds and pre reading skills, we also nurture a love of books and storytelling.
During child initiated play the children can choose resources based on their interests and what their friends are involved with. An adult led craft is always available for all the children to take part in, this will include painting, making, cookery and messy play.
There is an opportunity for one to one time with your child’s key person, this will be tailored to each individual child and will be based around their interest and stage of development. During the morning all the children have supervised access to the outdoor play area.
We have snack time, a sociable opportunity to sit with friends and model some good manners, in a relaxed way. A heathy snack of fruit and a bread stick or similar is provided.
After the mid morning break whole group time takes place, this varies day to day and includes:
- Letters and sounds
- Music and movement
- Makaton signing
- French
- On Friday we are excited to provide a forest school experience in the local woods.
All the nursey children have an outdoor play session when they mix with the preschool children nurturing care and understanding of the younger age group. Ball games, hoops, bikes, slide and a climbing frame to name a few of the resources on offer.
We value our generous staff to child ratio which enable us to provide extra support to the children for the transition into school. This is a much more generous ratio then other school nurseries and provides an advantage for your child.
As part of the getting ready for school process we help with social and independent skills such as putting on coats and shoes, zips, buttons and gloves too. Another important aspect of the care we offer is supporting toileting confidence.
It is inspiring to see the children progress over their time in the nursey. The children can listen, respond to instruction, demonstrate two channelled attention and independence.
Most importantly the children have fun, great experiences, make friends and are ready for their next steps by the end of the summer term.
The morning ends at 12.15pm, those staying for lunch club wash their hands and sit together to enjoy their packed lunches. The afternoon session is less formal and the children can build on their mornings learning though play with some additional small group time. Our day finishes at 3.00pm when the children go home.